Abstract: Deception is a universal human behavior. Yet longstanding skepticism about the validity of measures used to characterize the biological mechanisms underlying deceptive behavior has relegated such studies to the scientific periphery. Here we address these fundamental questions by applying novel machine learning methods and functional neuroimaging to signaling games capturing motivated deception in human participants.
Abstract: Many legal decisions center on the thoughts or perceptions of some idealized group of individuals, referred to variously as the “average person”, “the typical consumer”, or the “reasonable person”. Substantial concerns exist, however, regarding the subjectivity and vulnerability to biases inherent in the conventional means of assessing such responses, particularly the use of self-report evidence. Here we addressed these concerns by complementing self-report evidence with neural data to inform the mental representations in question.
Congratulations, Zhihao!
Working memory, cortical dopamine tone, and frontoparietal brain recruitment in post-traumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial